Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

I was a terrible kid. I don't think that I was especially mean, I was just out of control. I got into trouble for a lot of little things, and could have gotten in some pretty serious trouble for some things if I had been caught. Do you remember the worst thing you ever did? Did you shoplift, steal money out of your mother's purse, brake Danny Cagle's arm? I'm guilty on all counts, and many many more. But here is the worst thing I ever did, and it 's a generic thing, although I remember many specific incidences. I was cruel to, and unkind to the misfits that I knew. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, you might have been a misfit yourself, but more likely, you behaved the same way that I did. You remember the kids, maybe they were a little slow, or clumsy, poor, ugly, or just a good target. I could name at least a half of a dozen kids in elementary school that probably have permanent mental scars from their treatment in school.

The funny thing is, I don't remember ever being punished or even reprimanded for my behavior. I don't remember anyone getting into trouble for it, and I was far from the worst culprit. I think that now, teachers are more attuned to the bullying, and more likely to intervene. I certainly hope so. I hope that if you catch you children or grandchildren behaving in such a manner, that you set them down, explain to them how badly it hurts other children, and then beat them to with in an inch of their lives for reinforcement.

On this first day of a new year, and a new decade, I extend a sincere apology to everyone I was ever unkind to , and a Happy New Year to All.

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