Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I was watching the news this afternoon, and while I was watching, Chris Matthews played a clip from the 700 Hundred Club, in which Pat Robinson gave his views on the Haitian Earthquake. I've looked for a You Tube video of this clip, so that I can create a link to it, but the clip has not yet been posted. He held his head down with half closed eyes and in his most pious manner said:(I can't quote him word for word until I can see the video again but this is close.) "Well you know, the Haitians made a pact with the devil in the eighteen hundreds for help to overthrow the French rulers, and they have been plagued with one disaster after another ever since." I take what he said to mean that he believes that God is punishing the Haitians for asking Satan to help them throw out the French.

My question is: How can Pat Robinson or anyone who believes in a benevolent God that created Heaven and earth, possibly believe that same God would arbitrarily punish over nine million Haitians (and non Haitians, including many American Christians there on humanitarian missions), by evoking a devastating earthquake, simply because their ancestors overthrew their French oppressors and slave masters. It makes me wonder what Pat is praying for when he bows his head. Does he pray for salvation, exemption from God's punishment, or is he praying for the punishment of anyone who does not see things as Pat sees them?

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