Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Campaign Lottery

This past week, the right leaning Supreme court essentially threw out most restraints on campaign contributions by individuals, corporations, and Unions. This will lead to outright bribery and extortion of our nation's politicians. The corporate ability to influence individual politicians is particularly troubling. The banking, insurance, and other corporate lobbies will be able to threaten and coerce individual politicians into voting against the public good. If you God fearing, gun toting, queer hating republicans are wondering why I'm not happy that the unions have the same ability; I'll tell you. it's simply because the unions do not have enough cash to directly influence very many local elections, especially in states where union representation is low. As Jon Stewart said on the Daily Show the other night: "My banker, Morgan Stanley, and my Barber, Stanley Morgan, are now equally allowed to contribute millions of dollars to the candidate of their choice."

Here's a related personal story. I was at a party last week, where I got into a discussion with a member of Larry Kissells' staff about Kissells' vote on health care. I believe that he made a huge mistake in voting against the house version of the bill under the guise of protecting medicare, and I think that he might lose the next election partially because of his vote. Anyway, I'm having this friendly, but some what loud give and take with Kissells' staff member, when someone else joins the discussion and immediately raises my hackles by saying that federally mandated health care is not mentioned in the Constitution, and therefore, like social security, and medicare should not be the law of the land.

Now, here's my take on this. This view of our founding father's intent is analogous to the Bible thumpers view that the Bible is the absolute word of God, and that the Earth was created in a week and is 6000 years old, and fossil remains of sea creatures were created and placed on mountain tops by God to confuse us. Our founding fathers lived in a time when, as Stephen Ambrose said about Thomas Jefferson, it was possible for an educated man to know everything. But, it was not possible that the framers of the constitution could anticipate the trajectory and every vector of modern society. While the basic framework of the constitution should remain intact, it is the responsibility of modern lawmakers, and the courts to determine the best course of action to insure that the goals stated in the Preamble to the United States Constitution are met. I don't think that our founding fathers would have approved of interpretations of the law which stack the deck against the majority of the citizens of the country.

Let me come up for air, take a deep breath, and get back to were the title of this blog leads. Had the Supreme court not struck down most campaign finance law, here is my idea of how to finance federal election campaigns. There is a widely ignored section at the end of your Federal tax return where you can contribute two bucks toward Presidential election campaigns. Why not change this number to twenty dollars, with half the money going to the financing of campaigns, and the other half going to a national lottery pool which would be allocated to the States by population, and meted out as prizes in million dollar increments. With nearly eighty million tax returns filed annually (I looked it up), and the vast majority of those returns calling for a refund, there is potential for 1.6 billion dollars in donations, with eight hundred million each going to campaign financing and lottery winning. This works out to an average of sixteen, one million dollar prizes for each state. Compared to Power Ball or Lotto, I think that's a pretty good return on your gambling dollar.


  1. Janis Sherrill GhrairiJanuary 30, 2010 at 12:07 PM

    Great new blog posting Mike. Our forefathers didn't put pork-barrel spending in the Constitution either, but there is plenty of it going around on both sides of the aisle.

    The supreme court has created a very lopsided, unfair playing field for the vast majority of our citizens. Washington and Jefferson are probably rolling over in their graves over this major blunder.

  2. You bring out one of the biggest problems in our current situation. There is a population of 300 million , plus or minus, and only 80 million folks are paying to support the other 200 million. It is not the money that is being spent on elections by corporations or unions that is the problem. It is the failure of the citizens to elect decent, honest, constitution loving people. Perhaps we can contribute the election of our current pols to a failure of the public education system. I find it sad that someone such as you that seems rather intellectual would want to do away with the very document that has served us well for over 2 centuries. Perhaps you are reading a different version from the one I have read and am so thankful for. Perhaps you might want to re-read it. I think you will be amazed at the small number of things that it allows the federal government to do. It was intended to limit the powers of government so that we could retain our freedom and property.
    It does however allow for it to be changed by the folks petitioning the government to pass an Amendment. It does not give ither branch of government the right to change it on it's own.

    Have a nice day and please remember and be thankful for the wonderful document that has allowed you to have the right to write your very entertaining Blog.

  3. Look back over the past 20 years and see how effective campaign finance laws have been. While you are at it tabulate the number of folks that have been imprisoned or left the country then tag the party they supported.

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