Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Trouble With Facebook

The only food picture I've ever taken
Facebook may be the best medium ever invented for the exchange of ideas and opinions.  So, what do I see when I open my Facebook page?  Frk'n pictures of cats and the soup you had for supper and the cake for desert, recipes and religious quotes, dogs and grandchildren, "Criminal Case and Lucky Slots", cartoons, and innumerable cuts and pastes of someone else's opinion or slogan.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've been guilty of most of the above at one time or another, and there's nothing wrong with any of it.  I like knowing what my friends are up to, and I like getting birthday wishes when the time rolls around, and I'm gratified when I see that someone has pushed the "like" button under something I post.  I like to know when someone I care about is sick, or married, or divorced, or has done something exceptional or just kind.

  All that is good, but what I really like is when people post thoughtful comments about someone else's post and even better, when someone posts an original thought in the "whats on your mind" section.  Here is an opportunity to say exactly what you think, without fear of interruption, to be read by most of your friends, and to get feed back from at least some of them.  Even if you offend someone, whats the worst that can happen, you get defriended by a person that you probably weren't that close to anyway.  At least that's the worst that has happened to me so far.

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