Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Guest Appearances

Our coffee klatch had a couple of extra members today. Bob is nearly a regular, and with a little effort, could be a certified member. He's an ex police chief, and an attorney, so he brings a lot of insight into our conversations. He also loves hot peppers, and brings a little bag of then in to eat with his breakfast burritos. Smoke comes out of the bag when he opens it. It's very entertaining to watch him punish himself with those things. Doug also came in. He works in Charlotte so he can't come in very often. Too Bad. Doug and I grew up on the same street, but we were not close friends when we were kids. I lived across the street from the Williams boys, and I think Doug's mother thought it was to dangerous for him and his brother to hang out with us. She was probably right.

Kudos to Mike Huckabee for commuting the sentence of Maurice Clemmons, the guy who killed the four police officers in Washington State yesterday. Just before I came in today I heard that the killer had been shot and killed by a police officer in Seattle just a few hours earlier. Good riddance. It's just too bad he was out of prison to start with.

We tried to avoid this topic, but in the end, we could not resist speculating about the Tiger Woods wrecking in front of his own house in the middle of the night. Of course, we don't know what really happened, and the truth of the matter is that it's really not any of our business, but here's a little quiz for you. Do you know why men give their penises nicknames? Because they don't won't complete strangers making their decisions for them. It's hard enough for mere mortals to avoid temptation, so I imagine that celebrities must be under huge pressure. Just think of some of the recent examples. I would love to know how President Clinton, or Governor Mark Sanford, or any number of others rationalized their decisions. People with so much to lose, and yet..... Actually, I wish someone would dangle a little of that kind of temptation in front of me. I'm not worried about my ability to resist, but I could sure use a boost in my morale.

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