Sunday, March 16, 2014

Help for the Homeless

Our coffee klatch still meets at Ellie's each morning at 7:00. We've got a group of about 8 regulars, and we sometimes have some pretty good discussions, although we can also sink to some course and vulgar language upon occasion. I guess we are lucky that Phillipe has not thrown us out, although I suspect he actually enjoys our company early in the morning.

Not so with the homeless people, on Friday, Phillipe had to throw out a group of homeless that had been coming in for the last couple of weeks. I had been watching this unfold, as the crowd became more numerous, bought little, used the bathroom as a bathhouse, and generally out stayed its welcome. I observed Phillipe steel himself for the unpleasant task, and sure enough he did the dirty deed. Now, don't get me wrong, Phillipe is a nice guy, and I know he did not want to do what he had to do, but he had had complaints, and he does have a business to run. I just hope no one is complaining about us.

One of the things we occasionally talk about in the morning, is what each of us would do if one of us won the lottery. I know that most of us has revealed our hearts desires, if we suddenly became richer than God. Of course, I would want some luxuries, such as being able to quit working, buy a big sail boat, be able to travel, and eat and drink in nice restaurants whenever I choose. But, I like to believe that I would be generous, and wise in my generosity. I like to ride a bike, and one thing I have mentioned is a large donation to the city for the extension of the Branch View Green way, and the building of a green way that would allow cyclists to safely get out to the country roads on the east side of town. This is not a totally selfless wish, but I've read that true selflessness does not exist.

On Saturday, my friends Tim and Steve and myself went for a long bicycle ride, and on some of the long uphills, of which there were many, we talked about Phillipe having to kick out the homeless people in his restaurant. We all agreed that they need a place to hang out during the day. It's sad to see them around the library or across the street on the low wall at Central Methodist Church, when the wind is blowing and it's bitter cold. There is the night shelter, but they have to be out, I believe, by 7:00 AM. So, in a moment of false largess, I commented that if I ever win the lottery, I would try to set up a day shelter for the homeless, and establish a fund to sustain it. Now, I've never so much as caught a free tee shirt at a basketball game, so I know I'm never going to win the lottery, that's something that happens to someone else whom I'm not even sure really exists. So, my intentions to help the homeless sometime in the future with lottery winnings I will never receive is complete bull shit.

But tonight, in a moment of inspiration and good intentions, I realized that I can do this thing if I am willing. I can look into setting up a charity to help fund the project, look for a modest site for the project, seek volunteers to give me guidance and support, and seek donations of furniture and supplies and of course money.

I'll grant you that I have not always followed through on my big ideas, there is no golf course/memorial park (Fair Way to Heaven), Wiki Local news, income tax lottery for campaign financing, or Sin of Onan Masturbatory Baptist Church, but maybe I'll hit my stride on this one.  If I do, I hope I can count on your support. And, if I win the lottery, look for some new green ways.


  1. O.K. I will ramble on....the night shelter provides showers, and breakfast...anyone needing to wash up in the bathroom most probably did not stay in the night shelter...why did they choose to not avail themselves of this free service that is provided by the Salvation Army, local churches, and/or civic groups?... you had better check with the neighborhood where you plan on having this daytime I understand it, the library is available to them on cold days (federal law precludes them from being ousted as long as they "behave") guess is that most of the hard core homeless are free spirits, and will only use your facilities on the ultra cold, wet days....they prefer the freedom, with no rules, time constraints, etc. that most similar facilities enforce...once you secure a site, you will have all of the furniture you towels, is a very giving community...ramble over for now....

  2. Mr Eudy, you have never owned a business in downtown Concord? You views might be slightly different if you did/had?

    1. What would those views be?

