Wednesday, August 29, 2012

With friends like this.............

I received some Face book fan mail today.  Someone, apparently a younger person, sent to me an anonymous letter in the mail taking issue with something I posted on Facebook.  I looked back at my wall postings and could not find exactly what this person was referring to, so I think it must have been a comment I made about someone else's posting.  I'm reprinting the letter below, and would appreciate any comments about the letter.  So, here it is.

"Mr. Eudy.  I saw a note you put on facebook last week and I thought it was strange.  Do you really think all republicans are rich?  We are not.  And all of us are zealots? We aren't that either.  I said something to my parents about it (you worked for them a couple of years ago.)  They said its just because you are probably not a christian and you don't think like we do.  So I decided to tell you how we think so you might understand.  We believe in God and the Bible.  In the Bible there are commandments that we try to follow.  One is that we have no other god before us.  Sometimes it seems that ppls (peoples I guess) political parties become their religion.  Even if it goes against God's ways.  Another is not to covet someone else's possesions.  It seems democrats are always mad because someone else has more than they have.  And they want the government to take it away and give it to them.  They say they don't pay their fair share.  How is that when 1/2 the ppl don't pay anything?  Another commandant is not to kill.  Abortion is killing a baby.  They say it's a women's body and she can do anything she wants.  Christians believe everything belongs to God, even our bodies.  The bible say's they are God's temple.  The Bible says homosexuals are an abomination.  Democrats say it's OK and want to promote it.  Democrats want God out of our schools and government.  I've read a lot about the founding fathers.  Prayer was included in almost all of their meetings.  They even said all of our rights come from God.  Why do democrats now want God out of our lives?  They say that republicans are mean spirited.  It looks to me like the mean ones are the democrats saying bad stuff about the republicans all the time.  And they get mad and burn stores and knock out windows.  We don't want to starve ppl.  We give food to the food banks and volunteer at the Salvation Army.  It's usually Christian groups that do this.  I haven't seen any atheist groups down there or ppl that don't go to church.  Christians tithe (give ten percent for the poor, missionaries, etc.) because they want to.  Not because they have to.  They showed not long ago that the vice president only gave a couple of hundred dollars to charity for one year.  Looks like he's the mean one to me.  Christians try to obey the laws.  How come the president wants to let illegal mexicans stay in the country.  He should make sure the laws are obeyed.  Christians don't usually do drugs, at least all the ones we know.  But the people that are in the democratic party sure use drugs.  Like president Clinton.  He admitted using drugs.  And he lied in court.  The democrats said that was OK because he was just lieing about cheating on his wife.  That sounds crazy to a Christian!  Anyway, dad says you can't change ppls politics.  They are usually what their parents taught them to be and don't really think things through.  But I think if you went to church and became a Christian, you might change the way you think and understand why you don't have to be rich to be a republican.  I don't want to sound mean because we try not to be mean.  I hope you start going to church."

Wow!  How do I respond to that.  If anyone know where I posted the lead in about rich republicans and zealots, please let me know.   I would like to know the context around the remark  It admittedly sounds somewhat intemperate.  I certainly don't believe all republicans are rich, nor are all or even most of them zealots.

A couple of comments.

It seems that this person believes that republicans pretty much have a lock on Christianity, and democrats are all godless sinners.  I expect that most of my friends would take issue with this regardless of their political affiliation.

No, we are not mad because someone else has more than us, we are mad because many people in the richest country in the world do not have enough to get by on, and we believe it is the government's role to alleviate that problem.  It, by the way, is a basic Christian belief that it is the government's role to do so, read the 13th chapter of Romans, or read Psalm 72, or just read the New Testament and read the words of Jesus about the rich and the poor.

One thing I agree with the writer on is what he said about his father's views on politics.  People often believe what their parents tell them and don't really think things through.  Case in point.


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