Thursday, November 26, 2009

A brief history

If you drive through downtown Concord between 7:00 and 8:00 am, you've possibly noticed us in the window of Ellie's coffee shop. We've been meeting almost every weekday morning for ten years or so. Actually Ellie's is the forth place we've met. The other three coffee shops closed down. It wasn't our fault! The core members of our group are Tom, Tim, Gordan, Howard, and myself (Mike). There are also some casual members that show up on a less than regular basis. I think they need to get their priorities in order. If you follow this blog, you will get to know us pretty well.
A while back, Tim gave me a book to read, called, "The Last Great Place". The book talks about the human need to interact with other people in a neutral setting. A place with the appeal of the bar in the TV show "Cheers" is a good example. For the five of us, "Ellie's is the "Last Great Place". During that one hour each day, we can relax, talk about whatever we want, greet friends and acquaintances, have a bite to eat, and mentally prepare for the day.
What do we talk about? Of course, a lot of the conversation is mundane and trivial, but there is also heated debate about almost every issue you can imagine. It won't take long for you to figure out the right from the left in our little group. I hope you follow our blog, send in comments, and, best of all join in.


  1. I prefer to think of our little group of not-so-like-minded males as warrior hunters burning some ferocious predator that we killed in open conflict. We are gathered in a circle around an open fire discussing the events of the day and dreaming about all the opportunities we have squandered. This really is a great way to begin the day ... what could be better than a great cup of Wendy's coffee and some good-natured debate to refect on for the balance of the day.

  2. Just to give some perspective to our coffee talk group individuals, here is how I see them in simplest terms:

    Mike: Left is right
    Howard: Right is right
    Gordon: Good listener
    Tom: Heaven is a greasy spoon
    Tim: Pragmatic ... seldom agrees with anyone completely

